Mrs. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Roza Allabashi
Integrated water management - Challenges for Albania and the region

Water is not a commercial product like any other, but rather a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such (Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy – Water Framework Directive).
Water issues are very complex and cross-linked to many others. This is best reflected in the Development Agenda "Transforming our World - 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", adopted by 193 countries of the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015. This document sets out 17 inter-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), designed to serve as a "common blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and in the future”. The topic water is not only addressed in SDG 6 "Ensure the availability and sustainable management of drinking water and sanitation for all", but it has a crucial role to play in a good number of the other SDGs. The SDGs are mainly formulated as targets for national governments, but each country must address the issues and find solutions by setting its own priorities. Consequently, one of the biggest challenges for countries is to develop and follow integrated policies.
Climate change and global warming are already accepted as one of the greatest environmental, social, and economic threats facing our planet, and their impacts are already occurring even more quickly than predicted, posing a serious challenge to sustainable rural and urban development. The European Green Deal and the related action plan highlights the importance of promoting an efficient use of (water) resources by introducing the concept of circular economy.
As described in the last report of ICPP (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change) the Mediterranean region is considered one of the most vulnerable areas over the world regarding to the impact of climate change. Resources of surface and groundwater in Albania for example are considerably larger than the amount used, but a sustainable development of water management remain a big challenge for the country, not only due to climate change but also to highly dynamic demographic movements and related urban development.
These and other issues regarding sustainable and integrated management of water resources, as a challenge for Albania and the region, will be discussed in this presentation.

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Roza Allabashi ka kryer studimet e larta ne Universitetin Teknik te Vjenes, ku ne vitin 1985 mbron diplomen me rezultate te shkelqyera dhe merr titullin „Inxhinjere e Diplomuar„ (DI). Prej vitit 1985 deri ne vitin 1992 punon si padagoge ne Fakultetin e Shkencave te Natyres, ne Katedren e Kimise Analitike. Ne vitin 1996 mbron me sukses Doktoraturen ne Universitetin Teknik te Vjenes, ku punon si punonjese mesimore-shkencore deri ne vitin 1998. Prej ketij viti Roza eshte punonjese shkencore ne Universitetin e Shkencave te Jetes dhe Burimeve Natyrore (BOKU) ne Vjene, Austri, ne Departamentin Ujrat-Atmosfera-Mjedisi, Institutin e inxhinjerise Sanitare dhe Kontrollit te Ndotjes se Ujrave (Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (SIG)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU), ku drejton punen shkencore ne grupin e kimise se ujrave si dhe laboratorin perkates te analizave kimike. Krahas kesaj ajo eshte e angazhuar ne procesin e mesimdhenies ne kete Universitet.
Gjate karieres se saj profesionale Roza ka kontribuar ne rreth 50 projekte shkencore kombetare e nderkombetare ne fushen e monitorimit te kualitetit te ujrave, vleresimin e teknologjive inovative per pastrimin e ujrave, menaxhimin e qendrueshem te ujrave ne zonat urbane, si dhe analizen e mikro ndotesve ne ujin e pijshem e burimet ujore mjedisore. Roza ka qene iniciatore e disa projekteve te perbashketa ndermjet Universitetit ku punon me Universitetin Politeknik dhe Universitetin Bujqesor te Tiranes, duke kontribuar ne rritjen e nivelit mesimor e shkencor ne Universitetet Shqiptare dhe perfshirjen e tyre ne zgjidhjen e problemeve te vendit. Roza eshte antare aktive e shoqates internacionale te ujrave (IWA), shoqates se Kimisteve te Austrise (GÖCh) dhe te Gjermanise (GDCh), ne seksiont perkatese te kimise se ujrave e mjedisit.
Dr. Roza Allabashi eshte antare e Institutit Alb-Shkenca qe ne themelimin e tij dhe ka marre pjese ne shume aktivitete te organizuara ne kete kuader, si dhe ne botimin e revistes AKTET. Me ekspertizen e saj te gjate ne fushen e kimise se ujrave dhe mjedisit, Roza ka dhene e jep kontributin e saj ne organizimin e drejtimin e sektorit te mjedisit.